Frequently Asked Questions

Are your original painted leaves for sale?

Unfortunately, I am not selling any original painted leaves. I have items with reproductions of my leaf art available in my Redbubble shop, though!

Can I use your art?

Please do not use, copy, edit, or publish any of my work without my permission. All my artworks and photos, including painted leaves and other objects, are protected by copyright. This applies even when the purpose is non-profit or non-commercial.

Do you take custom orders?

I do not take custom orders or requests but I’m so grateful that you’re interested!

How do I contact you?

If you have a question about an existing order which you placed in my Etsy shop it’s best to contact me there so I can easily access your order information connected to your Etsy account. If it’s another serious business inquiry that isn’t answered on this FAQ page, please email me and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

I rarely, if ever, check my Instagram DMs because they’re a bit spammy and overwhelming at times and my brain can’t take the negativity that strangers randomly love to send there. Let’s normalize being kind and respectful to people (especially strangers!) on the internet!

Can you teach me how to paint leaves?

I’m a strong believer in learning by doing so I don’t get into specifics about how I make things. It isn’t difficult though! Press and dry a leaf and then paint it (acrylics generally work best). I’ve spent a lot of time and money playing around with materials, tools, and ideas to figure out how I like to do things and what works for me may not work for others. I’m always trying out new materials so I’m not devoted to any one product and I learn something new about techniques every time I paint! My best advice is just to try it and develop your own unique methods as you learn.

Do you ship internationally?

I do not offer shipping outside of the U.S. in my Etsy shop. However, Redbubble, where I list some of my art to be printed on various items, does ship internationally. Please note that this is a print-on-demand site - I provide my artwork to them and they do all the printing, production, shipping and customer service. If you have any questions about orders placed on Redbubble, please contact their customer service here.

As for why I no longer ship internationally in my personal shop, there have just been too many issues only made worse by the impact of the pandemic and I had too many customers upset with the extreme shipping delays (orders often taking 4-5 months to arrive) and the high importation fees charged by various countries and their governments upon a package’s arrival, neither of which are things I can change. Since I cannot currently rely on shipping services to get international buyers their orders in an effective manner that makes them happy with their purchase, I’ve decided to no longer offer the option. I know this is frustrating and I’m genuinely hopeful that this can change in the future if things get better.

All material is owned by By the Rock and Weed (Allison Hetzell). This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, artwork, images, photographs, and text, and may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without permission. Copyright does not transfer to buyer with purchase. My images cannot be used without our permission or credit.

© By the Rock and Weed (Allison Hetzell)